Fighting Roosters for sale

Fighting Cocks

Gerard Hatch


Sweater Gamefowl

Black Gamefowl


Blueface Hatch

Blueface Hatch cock


Fighting Cocks

Ginn Grey Toppy


Whitehackle Gamefowl

Gleezen Whitehackle Cock


Blueface Hatch

Miner Blue chickens


Fighting Cocks

Lacy Roundhead Rooster


Why Choose Us?

Sweater Game Fowl

What makes this yellow-legged beauty such a force to be reckoned with is its ability both on and off the air. It’s very fast and agile paired with amazing endurance. It is believed it was originally found after cross-breeding between a Kelso and a Yellow Leg Hatch, the best of both worlds combining together for a special kind.

Over the years, the sweater has become a popular name in the arena due to both its power and agility. Their defining characteristics are yellow body, redbreast, square head, and a spiky body.

The reason behind the sweater becoming a popular name in the cockfighting arena is due to its strength in the air. It’s fast and can be very efficient while in the air.

However, its ability in ground fights isn’t as strong as some other breeds. However, it’s a breed very easy to cross to have something that’s the best of both worlds. Also, due to a history of infusions in their bloodline, they are very strong in the ground and can put their opponent into submission very easily. Their long feathers play a big role in their fighting as well. 

Some Of Our GameFowl Chicken Birds Are listed :

  • Kelso

  • WhiteHackle GameFowl

  • Sweater GameFowl

  • Regular Grey


Buy Gamefowls & Eggs

Buy Game Fowls

We always have healthy game fowls available for you, contact us anytime to place your order.
blueface hatch


The Blueface Hatch is one of the legendary gamefowl breeds that has stood the test of time among broodstock breeders.

Dark Hatch

Dark Hatch

These hatch birds will produce good beautiful crosses. They are smart, good-timing, deadly cutting hatch fowls with lots of power


Clients Testimonial

Got 8 chicks for myself and 4 for my sister from this Game Fowl Farm yesterday. We picked a mixture of Easter eggers, black australorps, barred rock and Regular Grey Fowl. All of the birds are lively and healthy, settling in beautifully at home and eating and drinking well! I was impressed with the cleanliness of the hatchery and knowledgeable staff. It is a warm setting and we were treated like family or old friends. I will definitely go back and recommend them to others!

Anne is wonderful! We bought 14 chickens from her and they are all healthy, wonderful chickens. She guaranteed females for me and after a few weeks it looks like females I got! I am new to chickens, and I have texted her several times since getting them and even asked her questions about my chickens I already had before buying from her and she has given me so much advice and knowledge. Will definitely be buying from them again!

Anne is very knowledgeable and worked hard each time we bought chickens from her (3x). We have bought 10 different breeds and all are healthy and happy. We are running 3 different flocks (mine, and my twin boys). Wifey thinks we are crazy of course but she loves them too. This is the only place we will buy birds. It’s clean, well taken care of, and very well managed. Thank you Judy for helping us and teaching us the different breeds.

Beautiful birds of so many breeds!!!!! Everything was sparkling clean, the birds were clearly healthy and sprightly. This place was absolutely excellent. I’m thrilled with my birds. I got speckled Sussex chicks and I’m thrilled with them. Great experience.

Overall everything is Good but i Got my Bird late after 4 Days but am happy to see i have my Birds now Thank you Shipping To INDIA

gamefowl for sale